Daily TV Serials
3rd Anniversary Edition
June 1976

Michael Levin (Jack Fenelli)
Kate Mulgrew (Mary Ryan)
November '75 issue


Excerpt from
The Best and The Worst on Daytime Dramas
Solid Gold Memories of the Year
By Jon-Michael Reed
The sad loss of quite a few excellent performers from daytime television this year was almost overshadowed by the debuts of such remarkable talents as..........And most especially Kate Mulgrew (Mary on "Ryan's Hope"). 

I doubt I will ever forget the first time I saw Miss Mulgrew on screen. Here is an actress who so completely infuses every ounce of concentration and energy into her character that it doesn't seem possible the television screen could contain this abundance, this brilliance of life. It doesn't - the character continues to breathe and exist in one's heart long after the dail is turned off. 

Daily TV Serials
4th Anniversary Edition
July 1977
Excerpt from
The Return of The Best & The Worst
Those Who Came Out on Top......
and Those Who Hit the Pits.....
By Jon-Michael Reed
There isn't a more convincingly concerned "listener" in all of soapland as Helen Gallagher (Maeve). And Kate Mulgrew (Mary) remains the most refreshing, golden talent on the soaps
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