Mary's Story
Episode 457
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Mary comes to see Jack before the surgery.  Clem tells her he's just given Jack a shot to sedate him, so Jack may fall asleep on her.  Jack drifts in and out as Mary talks.  She tells Jack that she lit a brand new candle after mass for him.  She wants the operation to be a success for him and them.  Mary still loves Jack and can't give up on him. She'll never believe he doesn't want her as much as she wants him.

By this time, the sedative has kicked in and Jack falls asleep thinking about the good times they have shared. (Mary's Theme*)  As he drifts out of consciousness, Jack thinks about how much he loves Mary and will always want her.  He's afraid and doesn't want her to leave, but is too sleepy to tell her so.

Clem comes to take Jack to the operating room and Mary asks for time to say one last prayer.

Graphic Design by Totally Kate
Episode Summary by Sr. Mary Kathryn
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Episode 458
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