Ryan's Hope
Mary's Story
Episode 9
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Original Air Date: July 17, 1975

Mary and Pat wait outside Frank's hospital room.  Mary talks about telling Siobhan and Kathleen about Frank.  She says a few people have come by wanting to know about Frank and the campaign.  Pat warns Mary to be careful and reminds her that it is still touch and go with Frank.  Mary tells Pat that until they know anything else, Frank will be fine and the campaign is still in full swing.  Pat and Mary comfort Johnny as he remembers a very active Frank and is disturbed to see him being so still now.

Bob asks Mary if she's like to take a little walk, but she thinks she'd better stay at the hospital.  Bob tells her he's been trying to figure out what Frank was doing at the hospital.  Mary says that just as soon as Frank comes to he'll clear up everything.  She is frustrated because everyone has been so negative.  She believes he will recover and will win the election.

Graphic Design by Totally Kate
Episode Summary by Sr. Mary Kathryn
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